Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daily Routine - Physical & Fitness

I love to do exercises.

Weekdays after work.

1) Daily jog for 15-20 minutes and ocassionally swim for 30-45 minutes.

2) Yoga for 80 minutes on Tuesday and Friday.

3) Basketball game for 120 minutes on Wednesday.


1) Jog for 15-20 minutes in the morning & in the evening. If I have time in the afternoon I will do swimming too.

2) Futsal for 1 or 2 hours on Sunday.

Also, do work-out at home with exercise equipment for 10-15 minutes before bed & after bed time.

I wish I can push further but then again I am doing all these just to be in a good shape. So I cannot complain much and making comparison with bodybuilders and fitness workers.

Once I have a free time slot on thursday which is currently being occupied with Hainan Language lesson, I will consider taking up Kick boxing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Life & Expectation

Life is pretty much simple. If you keep it simple without having extraordinary expectation, life would be dead straightforward simple and easy.Then again human beings or homo sapiens are somewhat evolves into a scary creature. We demand for more some say to seek for a better life, communication,etc.Therfore we are never satisfifed given the things around us.

Humans are noted (by themselves) for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science,philosophy,myth and religion.

As for myself, I like my life to be simple and straight, in another word "boring". Less demand, less expectation,less thoughts, less of everything.
Having said that, what is the point living then?
Balance is the right word to use here. Eveything has to be in the right balance. Not too much and not too little.

Have you got a choice before coming into this world? I believe I was not given a choice to decide. Would I want to be here in the first place? Not changing anything at all and accept everything who I am and what I am right now? Well, I can just say I had wished it could be better but then again it could be as bad.

Happy. Are you happy with you life? How happy are you? Or You never thought of being happy, you would just take it when it comes?
I was never happy. why? Simple. Because I wasn't simple but again I was just me.I think alot. Have you heard of over analysis Syndrome? I can sit quitely and begin to analyse my entire life.